Respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes sobre el sustrato avanzado que ayuda a las personas a cultivar mejores plantas y mejores márgenes.
Respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes sobre el sustrato avanzado que ayuda a las personas a cultivar mejores plantas y mejores márgenes.
“We were impressed, not only with its ability to retain water, but also its ability to have porosity at the same time, which almost seems like an oxymoron, but it definitely happens. HydraFiber holds water and doesn’t dry out as quickly, but at the same time, when it’s wet, it doesn’t turn into mud or mush.”
"The growers adapted pretty fast to the new HydraFiber media and we didn’t have major issues. Everything we have done is the same as we did with the perlite mix."
“You’re getting the same thing you’re getting from perlite or vermiculite, but you’re also getting more air porosity, more water-holding capacity, and better plant performance, so it really makes sense to switch to a HydraFiber blend.”
"Our company roots are in bark and we have been a promoter of sustainable forestry for many years. Finding a forestry product like HydraFiber to replace non-sustainable raw materials in media was very exciting. It is a technology we are investing in for the long run."
"We are already using HydraFiber Ultra in our blends for indoor production, and decided to trial EZ Blend for outdoor production. Our Fall 2019 mum trial put EZ Blend side by side with a 30% Ultra 160WB blend. The plants performed very well in EZ Blend – we couldn’t see a difference."