HydraFiber Specialty Short Fiber

HydraFiber® Specialty Short Fiber is an effective supplement or replacement for peat moss, thanks to their physical similarities. It provides the same benefits as the original HydraFiber Engineered Media but with shorter fibers designed specifically for smaller cells.
- Ideal to add to propagation mixes as an alternative to other substrates such as perlite
- Product is 100% engineered fiber, made from renewable sources and highly compressed at a 13:1 ratio for efficient shipping and storage
- HydraFiber processing equipment is required for effective use and maximum yield
- Fibers provide superior water-holding capacity versus other substrates and high air space for vegetative liner production and seed germination
pH | 4.4 +/- 0.4 |
EC (MS/CM) | 0.01 - 0.20 |
moisture content^ | 22% +/- 4% |
organic matter^^ | 97.5% +/- 0.2% |
^Measured on weight basis
^^Loss on Ignition (ASTM D586-19)
Product Sheet
total porosity | 90 - 95% |
Container capacity (whc)** | 70 - 75% |
Air pore space | 15 - 20% |
loose bulk density*** | 1.9 +/- 2.1 lbs |
*Derived from Porometer Test Method-NCSU Substrates Lab
**WHC = Water-Holding Capacity
***HydraFiber Processing Unit

Request a Product Sample Kit
Ready to start your move toward better profit margins and plants? Horticultural professionals engaged in commercial production are encouraged to request a free product sample kit.
If you’re interested in HydraFiber® Engineered Media, complete a sample request form to see first-hand how our engineered fibers and blends can change your operation.

Connect with a HydraFiber expert today to find the solution that's right for you.