HydraFiber at a Glance for Growers
Understand what the buzz about Hydrafiber is all about with our overview sheet, including side-by-side product comparison chart of HydraFiber to other substrates.
Understand what the buzz about Hydrafiber is all about with our overview sheet, including side-by-side product comparison chart of HydraFiber to other substrates.
“HydraFiber has really been a game changer for us not only by reducing the cost on the mix, but the availability of it."
"I cannot think of a better partner and working relationship....."
"The transition to HydraFiber was so easy. I have 25 people on my growing staff and each one had no problem moving from a standard perlite mix to the HydraFiber mix. Things like Bonzi drenches…same rates. pH improved. EC was right there, too. Water management is straightforward and simple. No challenges for the growers whatsoever."
"The growers adapted pretty fast to the new HydraFiber media and we didn’t have major issues. Everything we have done is the same as we did with the perlite mix."
"After 30-plus years in the greenhouse industry, I’ve made the biggest changes in my substrate mixers with HydraFiber. After lots of trialing and tweaking, we’re at 55% peat, 25% coir, 25% HydraFiber and it’s working very well. We’re really getting a great, great root system that is going through that substrate, all the way down to the bottom of the pot. In all the years that I’ve mixed soil, I’ve never seen the root systems just permeate the soil ball like they are now. Get a good root system and the plant will come."