HydraFiber Heroes: Jose Navarijo, South Central Growers, Inc.
Jose Navarijo, R&D manager at South Central Growers, Inc., discusses how HydraFiber's consistency has improved the quality of plants and their business efficiencies.
Jose Navarijo, R&D manager at South Central Growers, Inc., discusses how HydraFiber's consistency has improved the quality of plants and their business efficiencies.
“It’s often said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Without change, we won’t get new results, so when we heard about HydraFiber, we knew we had to give it a try.”
“HydraFiber has really been a game changer for us not only by reducing the cost on the mix, but the availability of it."
"The growers adapted pretty fast to the new HydraFiber media and we didn’t have major issues. Everything we have done is the same as we did with the perlite mix."
“While comparing plants grown in both our regular mix and in the HydraFiber EZ Blend mix, I’m very pleased with how much healthier the roots look in EZ Blend. Roots are very white and full of root hairs. Our regular blend has a good root system as well…but not the mass amount I see with EZ Blend!”
"The transition to HydraFiber was so easy. I have 25 people on my growing staff and each one had no problem moving from a standard perlite mix to the HydraFiber mix. Things like Bonzi drenches…same rates. pH improved. EC was right there, too. Water management is straightforward and simple. No challenges for the growers whatsoever."