The Sustainability of HydraFiber
The PDF outlines the ways HydraFiber is a more sustainable option for growing practices.
The PDF outlines the ways HydraFiber is a more sustainable option for growing practices.
“Since raising our inclusion rates, we’ve had no issues with the quality of our plants.”
"Our decision to align with HydraFiber was a significant move but also a natural choice. The Profile team is fully committed to getting growing media right for growers. They are highly professional and very progressive in finding ways of bringing their technology to the market."
"We are already using HydraFiber Ultra in our blends for indoor production, and decided to trial EZ Blend for outdoor production. Our Fall 2019 mum trial put EZ Blend side by side with a 30% Ultra 160WB blend. The plants performed very well in EZ Blend – we couldn’t see a difference."
“The HydraFiber limits the fertilizer leach out and there’s much better color on material. We aren’t losing the fertilizer with watering anymore. That’s really what I’m seeing more than anything.”
"We trialed HydraFiber for over a year, in different seasons and tried every crop in it, before we switched over. Get a hold of the HydraFiber guys – they'll mix you a small batch, a big batch, anything you want, run it through its paces, try multiple crops in it. Once we went through the whole process and saw the results, it was an easy decision to switch."