Water Management
Daniel Norden breaks down what you need to know about water management when switching to using HydraFiber.
Daniel Norden breaks down what you need to know about water management when switching to using HydraFiber.
“We were impressed, not only with its ability to retain water, but also its ability to have porosity at the same time, which almost seems like an oxymoron, but it definitely happens. HydraFiber holds water and doesn’t dry out as quickly, but at the same time, when it’s wet, it doesn’t turn into mud or mush.”
"The HydraFiber and AgriNomix teams were excellent to work with as we made the transition. We worked with them to get both our soil blends and the mixing equipment just right."
“Adding HydraFiber to our production has been seamless, especially with our larger containers.”
"We’re pretty diverse, doing bedding, succulents, foliage. We’ve not found anything that doesn’t like HydraFiber mix. Our plants have rooted in very well, and we’re happy with what we see."
"We trialed HydraFiber for over a year, in different seasons and tried every crop in it, before we switched over. Get a hold of the HydraFiber guys – they'll mix you a small batch, a big batch, anything you want, run it through its paces, try multiple crops in it. Once we went through the whole process and saw the results, it was an easy decision to switch."